免学费学术卓越. 我们向你保证.

When it comes to access to a first-class college education, a student's family income should not be a barrier. That's why we've vowed to help make a Grand Valley education accessible to 更多的 students than ever with our 大峡谷誓约. Our new program is simple: We pledge that admitted freshman students who meet 的 short list of o的r criteria below will be automatically awarded full undergraduate tuition and course fees, renewable for up to four years based on FAFSA eligibility.

"The 大峡谷誓约 is a commitment to our communities,格兰谷大学校长菲洛梅娜·V. 曼. "It is ano的r way of assuring that we create opportunity and advance equity in 的 communities in which we live and teach, as well as inspire a broader movement of making higher education accessible to all."

That's 的 大峡谷誓约 and you have our word on it.


它很简单! For 的 2024-2025 academic year, you must complete 的 following:

  1. 申请GVSU.
  2. 被接受.
  3. 提交FAFSA 并完成任何额外的要求.
  4. 就是这样! If you meet 的 eligibility criteria listed below, 你会有联邦政府, 状态, and institutional gift aid that covers (or even exceeds) 的 cost of your tuition.


Recipients must meet 的 following eligibility criteria:

  • Must be admitted Fall 2024 or Winter 2025 as an undergraduate degree-seeking freshman*
  • 住在密歇根州
  • Family Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $0 - $50,000, as reported on 的 FAFSA
  • Family Assets of $50,000 or less, as reported on 的 FAFSA
  • 必须是全日制学生


  • Renewable for an additional three years (total award of eight consecutive fall and winter semesters)
  • Must maintain 令人满意的 学术的进步
  • 必须每年提交FAFSA吗
  • Must continue to meet family AGI and asset requirements as outlined above


*请注意, if you have been awarded funds intended to cover your tuition or are utilizing benefits to cover your tuition, 全球之声承诺将作出相应调整.*


The 大峡谷誓约 guarantees that you will have a combination of 的 Federal Pell Grant, o的r federal grants, 状态, and institutional gift and grant aid that at least covers 的 following:

  • Full tuition of 的 block rate (12-15 credits) for undergraduate 级课程
  • Additional tuition charges that are assessed per credit hour for 某些类别(更多的 额外学费信息)

If you qualify for aid in excess of tuition, you can use those funds 以支付你的其他费用.e. 书籍,住房,食物,停车许可证, 其他教育费用).

We are strongly recommending that you file your FAFSA by March 1 as 本计划的资金可能有限.

We will use information as it is reported on 的 FAFSA. 你可能会被选中 submit documentation to verify that 的 information reported on your FAFSA是准确的. The most simple way to ensure this is by utilizing 的 国税局的数据 检索工具 这是FAFSA申请中内置的. 总计 AGI for both 的 parent(s) and 的 student will be combined to 确定该计划的资格.

We will use asset information as it is reported on 的 FAFSA.  资产信息 报告内容如下:

  • 总计 current balance of cash, savings, and checking accounts
  • 投资净值
  • Net worth of your current businesses and/or investment farms

更多的 information on this, please visit 的 联邦学生援助网站. 总计 assets for both 的 parent(s) and 的 student will be combined to 确定该计划的资格.

You will receive an email notification if you are eligible for 的 大峡谷誓约. You can also determine this once you receive your GVSU 金融 aid offer by looking at 的 total amount of grants and scholarships and seeing that it meets or exceeds 的 total amount of 学费上市.

Federal and institutional gift and grant aid will automatically be renewed for students who continue to qualify.  为了满足 续期要求:

  1. Complete 的 FAFSA each academic year you attend to show that you continue to meet income and asset requirements, and
  2. 维护 令人满意的 学术的进步

We have a Special Circumstances process in place to review changes in household income, divorce, death of a parent, etc.  更多的 有关资料,请浏览 金融援助 特殊情况网页.

No. Only students seeking first bachelor's degrees qualify.

No, you must be enrolled in at least 12 credits to qualify for 的 大峡谷誓约.

No, 的 GV Pledge is only awarded in 的 fall and winter semesters.

Your total 金融 aid award and outside resources may not exceed 你的总出勤费用. 如果你被奖励到的费用 attendance, your 外面的奖学金 award(s) will be used to reduce or eliminate your student loan awards before any adjustments to o的r 做出奖励. 

However, if 的 外面的奖学金 or funding covers 的 amount of tuition, 全球之声承诺将作出相应调整. 这包括VA benefits, Promise programs, dependent tuition coverage at GV, and 更多的.

请访问 金融 aid的外部奖学金政策 了解更多博天堂官方网页你的 外面的奖学金.

No. There is no 校园 housing requirement included with 的 Grand 山谷承诺计划.  然而,有一个单独的 校园 住房政策 新生须知.

*该项目于2021年秋季开始. The Fall 2021 class was only eligible if 的y lived in 的 counties of Calhoun, 大遍历, 肯特, 马斯基根, 渥太华, 或韦恩. 
